Alice in Wonderland
the Ballet 2022
Performed at St Andrews Hall, Norwich - July 2022
The Story

By Rosie Scott (Queen of Hearts)
For the third ARTS ballet I’ve danced in, I was asked to play the Queen of Hearts in a production of ‘Alice in Wonderland’. I was ecstatic! It was so exciting dancing with the older and younger students, and learning choreography from many different teachers, each teaching me various different things. I learned partner work for my duet with Lucas (the Jack/Knave of Hearts), new ballet and contemporary moves, and, most importantly, how dance can be moulded, with help from its flexibility and malleability, into becoming and telling a story. I loved watching everyone’s dances and characters take shape and become part of a tale, one that we all told together.
Rehearsals leading up to a big show are some of my favourite times ever. Everyone is contributing, and through this, dances begin to form a structure, which keeps being built on, even minutes before we step onstage. There are layers to productions: the ideas; the music; the structural forming; the questions; the relentless rehearsals; the costumes, makeup, hair; the execution, and through it all, the love for dance. Every step of the making of this ballet was amazing and creative, and I loved when we all came together, from dress rehearsals to the finale of the final performance.
Thank you to all the teachers for putting so much time and work into helping us all improve, not only in Ballet, but also in performance and acting. I am so grateful for all the opportunities and happy times you have all given me! And thank you to the chaperones for being calm and reassuring, and of course for helping us with all the quick changes and manic happenings backstage! I also want to say well done to Paige- it was amazing and inspiring working with her, and seeing how hard she works; she is an amazing actress and performer and it really showed onstage! I had an amazing time learning and performing this ballet; everyone danced beautifully!

By Paige Henry (Alice)
Hi! I'm Paige and I played Alice in the ballet Alice in Wonderland. It was very special to me. It was my first ever time at St Andrews Hall and it was so beautiful. When I saw the stage and the people sitting in their seats I had butterflies in my stomach. But when I stepped on stage they were all gone, the ballet dances were perfect. Every dancer looked amazing and the costumes were all sparkly and pretty. When I heard everyone clap and cheer that was very special. What I loved more was that my friends and dance teachers were beside me which I will never forget!