AXIS - Show 2014
All about the fun we had performing in 'AXIS' - Show 2014
Some happy memories
By Chloe Ludkin (Deputy Head Girl 2014)
In November last year, I was very privileged to have been made Deputy Head Girl and I feel very honoured to have been part of a fantastic A.R.T.S. show this year.
The theme for this year’s show was ‘Earth’ and every dance was so cleverly choreographed in connection with our wonderful world. It was titled ‘Axis’ and it was without a doubt the best one to date, that the school has produced.
Everyone involved gets such a buzz from the performances whatever the age group, or ability, the feeling of being part of such a fantastic team is second to none.
There is so much hard work, dedication and commitment put in by so many people including: parents, staff, volunteers and pupils, but rewards are gained by the rapturous applause after each performance of the show and the many great comments we get in the following weeks from members of the audience.
Each and every pupil at A.R.T.S. has the opportunity to shine and at the shows they all excel in their own way, buy as the anthem says “THE BEST IS YET TO COME”.
Sincere thanks goes to everyone involved and I feel that the show this year was a great success and now we look forward to the next one.

By Isobelle Howard (Aged 9)
IAxis' was my fourth ARTS Show. I love everything about the shows - from class rehearsals, costumes, dress rehearsals and performances. Everyone gets along really well backstage and we all help each other with our quick changes. I feel relly excited but at the same time slightly nervous when I wait in the wings for my performances.
I love being involved in ARTS and the shows - it's AWESOME!!!