Show 2018
All about the fun we had performing in Show 2018 - Cinemotion

Some happy memories
By Jessica Rae-Manning (Age 9)
I was very excited to be part of Cinemotion - the first ever ARTS show at the Theatre Royal. Dancing in front of 1500 people was so magical - I felt nervous to start with but when I went on the stage I felt very confident because I was dancing with my friends and we had practiced lots of times so we were all ready to show everyone who was watching us what ARTS can do!
I was in a dance called Wonderwoman and I wore a red and blue superhero outfit. My Tap dance was from the film "Peanuts" and I had a silver sparkly all in one. I also did a Ballet dance and the Daddy/Daughter dance. The Daddy/daughter dance was the best because it's so fun dancing with the best Dad ever and it is a special memory for both of us! I can't wait to do it again next year.
For the Finale this year we had red t-shirts and danced to Can't stop the feeling as well as the ARTS Anthem.
When the show ended I felt like I could do it forever - I love doing shows with ARTS!!

By Emily Remer (Head Girl 2018/19)
With "Cinemotion" being the first ARTS Show at the Theatre Royal, it was definitely a show that will always be memorable. Being able to perform in such a professional setting was an experience that I was really lucky to be a part of. Every year the shows get bigger and better, but allowing each individual to have their moment to shine in front of the biggest audience we've ever had, enabled everyone to push themselves to the best of their ability. This show was also another opportunity to inspire others to collaborate and come together as a whole school, creating a showcase we were all extremely proud of. With it being some of the oldest Seniors last show, & some children's first ever show, the magic of the performance definitely shone through by our huge smiles and enthusiasm throughout.