MSC Virtuosa
Cruise 2023
All about the fun we had performing on a Mediterranean cruise 2023
Some happy memories

By Lucy
Dancing on the MSC Virtuosa was one of the most fantastic experiences of my life - I hadn’t expected it to make as big of an impact on me as it has, and I will forever be greatful that I took this opportunity.
Spending two weeks sailing through the Mediterranean is obviously going to be amazing in itself, but being surrounded by such love and enjoyment from everyone around me really did make this experience just second to none.
Throughout rehearsals I was able to meet new people, and develop new friendships which have flourished both on and off of the boat. It was impossible to feel lonely whilst you were there; there was always someone to bump into at the pool or in the water park, and the evening parties were an absolute hit!
Of course it would be wrong of me to not mention the wonderful people who worked on the boat - Mario, Monica, Dom and Chante in particular, who showed endless love and support for us whilst we were there and even still as we are back in Norwich.
My personal highlights however, were always our performances. Despite the 8 am rehearsals and rocking of the boat, the shows we performed were some of my favourite of my time here at ARTS. The energy and sense of enjoyment in the theatre was second to none, and so contagious that you couldn’t stop smiling even after we had finished.
Being on a ship with our audience meant we were showered with complements after each show, and the support given by those on board was outstanding.
I can honestly say that those two weeks spent on board the ship were some of the best weeks of my life, and the entire experience from start to finish was absolutely perfect - I wish I’d never left!