Paris 2019
All about the fun we had performing in Disneyland Paris

Some happy memories
By Daisy Gosling (Age 9)
Since I have been dancing at ARTS I have done lots of amazing things but this summer was the best by far. After many weeks practicing, we were all lucky enough to perform onstage at the Videopolis Theatre in Disneyland Paris.
I always have butterflies in my tummy before every event but when I get onstage it feels so magical.
After the show we then had time to spend with our families enjoying Disneyland!

By Rosie Scott (Age 12)
I really enjoyed the trip to Disneyland Pairs - especially because it was my first big trip with ARTS. I liked learning all the dances and dancing alongside people I've never danced with before. I specifically liked this trip because my best friends were there and we had such a great time together. Disney is a great place to bond and make new friends. I enjoyed going to different restaurants with my friends - on the day of the performance everyone from ARTS went to a restaurant together and we had such fun!
The stage that we danced on was absolutely amazing and the cheers and the amount of support from the audience made it so much better!
I loved the costumes, make-up and hair! I loved dancing with the older girls because I got to learn so much just by watching them.
The concept was brilliant and the choreography was amazing! Lisa, Amy, Vickie and everyone that helped out were absolutely spectacular!!
Thank-you all so much for this opportunity!
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