SHOW 2007 - 'Legends'
Performed at The Walter Roy Theatre, Norwich
The Story
By Chloe Hallett
The ARTS show is always the highlight of my year. A few weeks before the show we learn a dance. This year I learnt a dance with modern and tap, it was Elvis Presley. After we learnt the finale songs. After that we learnt our dance, we got measured for the costumes. The Elvis costume was amazing. It was white and silver with a belt.
​Finally we were ready for the photo shoot. So we travelled down to The Hewett school and had our pictures done. I had 3 with my sister and 4 done with my dancing groups. The next day we had 2 dress rehearsals, they were very tense and exciting. Then we went home to bed because the next day was the ARTS show.
Bethany and I got up, got our costumes and were out the door ready for the show. When we got there, we signed in and went to our chairs. I put all my costumes on the clothes rack and went and joined the queue for hair and make up. When the show started me and Molly lined up for the first song ‘When will I be famous'. Then we had a quick change into our ballet costume. When you go on stage it is brilliant because you can hear the audience clapping you on.
After our dance we got out of our costumes and put them on the clothes rack. Maisie got out ONO and we played it until the second acted. Then we got into the Elvis costumes and lined up for our modern and tap dance. We got into our finale t-shirts and lined up again.
After the finale we packed up and went home to bed and the next day we the same thing!

By Leah (Aged 6)
I liked doing the Legends Show 2007, I performed four times on the stage Candy man, Ugly Duckling, Madonna and the Finale. I enjoyed helping the little one's and was very happy Vickie chose me, Ugly Duckling was my favourite.
I had to do lots of rehearsals and I got really excited when it was time to rehearse on stage. Back stage is the best I get to play with all my friends on our Nintendo DS and do colouring. My costumes were all lovely and I wear them at home when I perform show's for my mummy and daddy.
Everybody who came to see the show said how fantastic it was and I even got some presents for doing really well. The best bit of doing Legends 2007 was having fun and smiling with my friends, i did get tired but I really loved every minute.
Thank you everyone at ARTS who put the show together and all my friends who make me smile when we are together.
Love Leah xxxx (aged 6)