Robin Hood
Panto 2024
All about the fun we had performing in this years Pantomime
Robin Hood Dance Teams

Reviews to follow
ARTS is thrilled to announce that we will be sending two teams of talented dancers to perform in this year's hilarious Pantomime Robin Hood. This is an incredible opportunity for children to showcase their skills create unforgettable memories.
We can't wait to see what our dancers will bring to the stage!

Junior Team
Choreography by:
Lisa Arnup-Chapman

Senior Team
Choreography by:
Lauren Carrick
Written by Phoebe
When it gets to this time of year everyone gets so excited to be apart of the Onward Players Panto because it is such a great show to be involved in.
This was only my second time dancing with ARTS in the pantomime but it was just as amazing as last time. The routines are always fun. We do not have much time to learn them so we have to pick them up very quickly. The junior dancers were amazing and knew every step.
One of my favourite parts is working the Onward Players cast and seeing them learn the choreography and performing with them on stage. It is great to see how the Panto comes together and how it evolves throughout the shows.
It is also lovely getting to spend time with the younger pupils in the school and all the memories we make together, especially the fish and chips and our trip to the park on a Saturday.
Thank you Onward players and ARTS for this performance opportunity. I feel very privileged to have been part of this production.

Some backstage photos & videos