Stage Door
Show 2017
All about the fun we had performing in Stage Door - Show 2017
at the Theatre Royal, Norwich

Some happy memories
By Phoebe Cooper-Green (Age 11)
When I found out the theme for the show was Musicals, I was very excited because I love watching musical’s and I couldn’t wait to start learning the dances and finding out which songs from which musicals I would be dancing to.
As we learnt more and more each week the excitement kept growing and the routines started to come together. When we were given our costumes it was like the last piece of the puzzle being put into place and we were ready to take the stage.
Show day arrived and it seemed to take forever to drive to Open in Norwich (not because my mum drives slowly but because I could not wait to get there) but we finally arrived.The place was buzzing, people were doing hair and the technical rehearsal was taking place.
Once we had found out where our groups were back stage, it was time for the dress rehearsal to start. Everyone was finishing off their makeup and the place started to smell (and taste) of hairspray.

Watch our Show Mash-Up
The first half was extra manic because I had a few quick changes but each time I ran off stage to get ready for the next dance, my outfits were ready for me and the chaperones were great in helping us change.Now all we needed to do was to perform in front of a real audience and after a break and a quick bite to eat (although I was too nervous and excited to eat much) it was time for our first show. We were all getting ready, the excitement was building and then the first dance was called to the stage. It was a fantastic show and I just loved the feeling of being on stage with all my friends by my side hoping that we were making our dance teachers and families proud.The next day came and went in a blur and before I knew it, it was time for our last show. Although we were all starting to get a little bit tired, the adrenaline soon kicked in and we performed our dances for one last time. As we ran on stage for our final finale I was a little bit sad that this show had come to end, but I knew it won’t be long until it is time for the next show, and I know it will be just as good if not better because as it says in our anthem ‘The best is yet to come!