Theatre Royal, Drury Lane
London 2013
The Story
Love Lauren xx
Fabulous' without a doubt was an unforgettable experience which will be treasured by all.
With our Junior Red Cross finalists performing for a second time in London and the Senior “no light”performers joining them, the opportunity to dance with Talents Theatre School allowed ARTS to show the audience at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane just a glimpse of what our school is about.
With ARTS, the experience is not just about the performance, the journey getting there is made equally as unforgettable; not just metaphorically but literally!
After many weeks of fun-filled rehearsing, the day soon arrived. Getting on the bus at 8am on a Sunday morning to most other people would not be anything to look forward to, but everyone at ARTS knows too well that feeling of being with your second family and the amount of fun every minute spent with them can be! Who else would be singing and dancing their school anthem at the top of their voices on the bus in London, outside the theatre? Only ARTS!
ARTS is about working as a team: backstage proved how much of a fantastic team we are; everyone helped each other and shared everything like any family would- including seats: being squished by Lisa during the introductory talk appeared to be an amusement for the juniors and seniors sitting behind! The atmosphere backstage was honestly the best feeling in the world. Everyone has shared and individual memories to look back on and giggle about. Being there made me realise how lucky I am to know so many lovely people of all different ages!
Watching and helping the juniors backstage during their performance was as breath-taking as every-time before I've watched them in their competitions. Another quality of ARTS is the support from each individual pupil that is given to so many others. I'm so proud of the Juniors, I've said it so many times but they are all such kind-hearted, talented performers: you could hear the effect the whole story had on the audience, receiving the loudest cheers and the most heart-felt "awwws".
As for the "no light" performance, it felt simply amazing. The theatre had such beautiful architecture, the stage was absolutely stunning: so big and open! The performance was honestly over too quickly, but what felt like a few seconds were some of the best minutes I've ever experienced on stage. I've never felt cheers so loud and to be surrounded by people I love so dearly, I couldn't ask for anymore.
Before falling asleep on Hannah's shoulder on the journey home, the last thing I thought was "Thank-you". The whole experience would never have happened without ARTS and without the efforts from the very creative and talented teachers and our two wonderful principles. Thank-you Vickie, Sarah and Lisa for all your work in particular! You could never ask for more dedicated teachers then those at ARTS, these three are fantastic examples of what all the teachers work to give us.
To me, 'Fabulous' showed what ARTS is truly about: family, friendships and a place offering you the opportunity to do the things you love most! It's a memory I wouldn't want to change for the world. I loved it!

Ruth Adamson, Sophie Allen, Emily Armon, Lisa Arnup, Hattie Beckett-Allen, Hannah Catchpole, Emma Cushion, Rhian Earrye, Sophie Hastings, Lauren Hipperson, Catherine Hughes, Molly Lacey, Emily Legood, Holly Lewis, Vicki Mackenzie, Nicola Myers, Richard Pye, Emily Randon, Sarah Schubert, Beki Syder, Lauren Syder, Tory Underwood, Emily Webb
​Trees / Water / Red Cross
Gabrielle Anthony, Caitlin Dye, Lauren Holmes, Harriet Hughes, Nicole Phillips, Emily Remer, Liana Rout, Emily Winnett
Lumberjacks / Red Cross
Olivia Anthony, Lizzie Baker, Megan Calver, Isobelle Howard, Charlotte Hughes, Ruby Mamattah, Evie Prior, Jodi Rump
Children / Society people
Ella Hazelden, Imogen Smith, Alice Winnett
Trees / Society People
Harriet Marlee, Tabitha Smith, Phoebe Thomas
River / Society People
Emily Bell, Alana Martin, Kirsty Ogden, Alice Vale
Maddy Greenly, Meredith Winship ​